The finch is a wonderful $99 robot with several sensors that can be programmed using many environments. It is robust, attractive and fun for all age levels. This lesson is the first lesson I use with my students. It walks them through the very basics and has tips to keep your Finch robots in working order for years to come.
When you have finished you will have created keyboard commands that create at least 5 colors using your Finch LED. You will also create a loop and a nifty command that uses random numbers.
Finch robots are affordable and fun for students of all ages. They can be programmed using many tools, but I choose to work with Scratch. This lesson is the second in the series and shows you how to create a remote control for the LED that is built into the Finch.
Lets use some nifty programming techniques to make the buttons adjustable in size.
The end result is we can fit more buttons on our remote and we have a skill that we can transfer to our projects as we move on.
Time to make that finch talk! It has been wonderful making that LED light up, but this is where the Finch comes to life. Add buttons that have the finch tell a story, interact with the user, or even tell jokes. It is a ton of fun and there is a lot of room for you to make it as incredible as you want.
The moment you have all been waiting for is upon us! Time to make that Finch move. Just remember to treat them gently and actually pick them up instead of dragging them by the "tail" USB cord.
Time to get mobile, move your finch code to your Chromebook! Take your Finch on a tour throughout the room!
Utilize the obstacle detection system on the Finch to say hello to a friend. You will be amazed at how easy it is! Once you have the skill once, tweak it to see what other amazing things you can do with the obstacle sensor.
Turn your finch into an amazing Police Cruiser or an Ice Cream truck. You will be amazed how easy it is to add custom sounds to your creation!
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